Thursday, January 28, 2010

Moved the "school room"

We did have a dedicated area in our office upstairs to our greatroom since we spend the most time down here. I got sick of running upstairs a bagillion times a day to get books and papers for class. So now upstairs is just the kids bedrooms and the big playroom for the boys.

We're learning Japanese!

We got and are now using the home school edition of Rosetta Stone and LOVE it! It is so easy for T to use and learn from!! We learned how to say "the boys are eating" today and T thinks it is the funniest thing ever! We started the Japanese now to take advantage of the window of time where it is easier for a child to learn and become fluent in a language. We'll add in latin once T begins second grade level.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

better late then never eh?

SO it's been awhile but hey we've been busy organizing, having holidays and the usual. T is getting more and more into "school" and it is just so awesome to be there when the lightbulb lights up! He has pretty much mastered his letters (upper and lowercase) and the sounds each letter makes. We have begun working our way through the ordinary parent's guide to teaching reading and we are LOVING it! T is able to pick out some words now and has the hang of sounding out words. We have also been making great use of our TAG reader and books. We got the learning to read sets so as we get to a short or long vowel we do the corresponding TAG book which makes it more fun! T also loves going and picking out TAG books to look at on his own which warms my heart!
