Wednesday, June 16, 2010
So I was converted to the light side out of necessity for time and structure which I thrive with. I had been eagerly awaiting box day's big arrival and finally last night it was here! We pulled up to find a big sonlight box by our garage and it was pure bliss :op I finally got it upstairs, opened it up and then basked in the glory of the box FULL of books. There really are some fantastic selections in their curriculum and I think the boys with gain a ton of learning and enjoyment out of them. Now the best part was the IGs. For a planner like me, who does best with everything scheduled out and ready to go so I know exactly what I am doing when, this is the perfect curriculum hands down. I followed the suggestions and got them loaded up into binders, got the tabs labeled and sat down on the couch to have a look through them. It really was pure bliss because everything I needed was right there WITH CHECK BOXES! I love check boxes and notes and day view schedules. Man if I could buy IGs for the rest of my daily life could you imagine how much I'd get done and how on top of things I'd be :op Now I just have to wait for the rest of the books to trickle in from amazon and such and then I can start full force into P3/4 which I have a feeling T will tear through. This is really going to be one super fun and memorable ride and thanks to sonlight I won't go out of my mind trying to plan it all now!
I know I am late but I had to say Happy Box Day !!! Everyone one I have is as exciting as the first. We have P 3/4, P 4/5 and K now ! I cna't wait to order 1 soon.
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