Thursday, July 22, 2010

Our writing center

I finally got around to creating a writing center for our homeschool! I used the list and ideas given by our writeshop primary book to build off of.

The table is an adjustable height table from sams club that cost me about 29 dollars. (man I love SAMS!) The blue tower to the right is our craft cart which is filled with all of our arts and craft goods minus the construction paper. On the table I have stacking paper files which holds: 3 types of writing paper from big fat tripled lined to college ruled notebook paper, DS's HWOT book, DSD's HWOT book, DSD's happy scribe book, sentence strips, drawing papr and on the very top the index card box full of writing prompts. To the left is a magazine hilder that has in it: A children's dictionary, a websters dictionary, 2 grammar and punctuation guides. Then I have a purple box FULL of crayons and a revolving implement holder that has: Pens in several colors for the various stages of the writing process, glue, glue sticks, pencils, erasers, dry erase markers. Last on my wall above the center is two quotes from famous writers framed and surrounded by more quotes on the topic of writing by famous writers. Below the quotes is a 1 dollar hanging pocket chart for holing sentence strips.

The stackable file

The writing prompt box. I used some from the writes ource series and then found more in a google search. I am still not done writing them all on cards yet :op

A quote on our wall :op

So there you have it our writing center in it's full glory.


Mommahopper said...

These ideas seem great! Thanks! I am on the search for great ideas to create a writing center!

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